Senior Program
All TREC Senior Students (grade 11 or 12) complete the core and elective courses required for high school graduation or completion. Students work toward receiving their Dogwood, Adult Dogwood, General Education Development (GED) or Evergreen certificate.
Students are primarily on independent study modules covering Ministry of Education compliant curriculum. These courses/modules have been developed by British Columbia teachers and most are obtained through Open School BC, Distance Education BC or Proactive Curriculum Inc. These self-study courses allow for flexible scheduling of students with work and/or family demands which may temporarily preclude their full-time attendance.
Junior Program
The objectives of TREC Junior Program are to improve the level of positive behavior demonstrated by each student and provide opportunities for their academic skill development up to the grade 10 level. Particular importance is placed on students’ development of self-discipline, self-confidence, and positive self-concept.